We invite correspondence, press inquiries, requests for comment or technical commentary. And in cases where we can’t help out, we’ll try to get you in touch with someone in the community who can. You might like to first learn more about our methodology for identifying and validating reports of internet censorship to get an idea of how things work.
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience through our code of conduct which applies to all contributors and team members.
Turkey Blocks, as a policy, does not endorsing specific circumvention tools or technology products. We can’t always help verify individual reports of blocked websites or social media accounts but we’ll evaluate all suggestions.
PGP / GPG secure email
Our PGP encryption key with the fingerprint below is available on public key servers:
pub 4096R/6BBBC6DA 2016-11-08 Key fingerprint = 6672 FFA7 BF39 B0D8 DD3B BC9D 59B4 CB95 6BBB C6DA uid [ultimate] Turkey Blocks <[email protected]> sub 4096R/38A971AC 2016-11-08