The Google-owned Blogspot blogging service has been blocked in Turkey on 24 July 2018, verified by the Turkey Blocks internet observatory as consistent with internet filters used to censor content in the country.
Confirmed: Google Blogspot blocked in #Turkey; millions of blogs now inaccessible, replaced with block pages on major internet providers
— Turkey Blocks (@TurkeyBlocks) July 24, 2018
Late on Tuesday evening, visitors to blogs hosted on Blogspot reported failure to access content on the website. The Turkey Blocks internet observatory has verified that block pages are in use across multiple ISPs including TTNet and Uydunet, indicating that access to the content has been restricted by authorities.
Blogspot remains accessible via mobile operators and some fixed line ISPs including Turkcell and Superonline, as the blocking measures propagate – a process that typically takes several hours.

The block pages appear when visiting blogs via HTTP, while attempts to reach Blogspot via HTTPS are being actively disrupted by means TCP RST injection.
Turkey’s ICTA authority, which oversees internet blocking orders, has posted no information on court orders relating to restrictions of Blogspot and its subdomains on its portal at the time of writing.
The platform, run by Google to administer content on blogs including those hosted on Blogspot, remains accessible as do blogs hosted by users on custom domains.
Blogspot is particularly popular with personal blogs and commercial content publishers in Turkey. Users note that it provides an important source of revenue for some of the country’s top bloggers and independent authors, offering an open and monetizable platform for the exchange of ideas and commentary online.
Turkey Blocks is an independent, non-partisan network monitoring observatory built on open technology; winner of the Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Award 2017 [ methodology | contact and press inquiries | about ]